Ibex Salajeet (Shilajit) 100% Pure & Organic Salajeet in Pakistan | Best Salajeet Price in Pakistan | Aftabi Salajeet
₨ 1,900.00 – ₨ 3,800.00
Ibex Salajeet (Aftabi Shilajit in Pakistan) Pakistan is a pure and natural product dried using sunlight and collected from the Karakorum and Himalayan mountains. With Best Salajeet price in pakistan it is known for its impurity-removing qualities and has been lab tested by the PCSIR. It is an 84 mineral rich product that can provide a variety of health benefits. It helps boost the immune system, fights inflammation, and aids in the healing process. Additionally, Salajeet has been shown to be beneficial for heart health, brain function and energy levels.
Ibex Salajeet ( Shilajit in Pakistan) Pakistan is available in two weights, 15g, and 30g, so you can choose the amount that’s right for you. The stick makes it easy to measure the dose intake. It comes in a nice packaging that makes it a great gift for friends and family.
- A standard 15g unit (15,000 mg) enables you to take 30 doses of 500 mg.
- 30G (30,000 mg) contains 60 doses of 500 mg.
100% pure & organic Himalayan Salajeet
Discreet packaging: We hide what's inside
Free & fast delivery all over Pakistan
14 days no questions asked returns
Cash on Delivery all over Pakistan
Get Best Salajeet price in Pakistan
100% Safe & Organic Salajeet in Pakistan
It is very important that Salajeet is collected and purified properly, as it can be harmful if not handled correctly. Therefore, to ensure safety & quality the Ibex Salajeet must go through four stages before it is delivered to our customers:
i. The salajeet is collected from the mountains by hand and then brought to the processing plant.
ii. The salajeet is purified using a process that removes all impurities.
iii. The purified salajeet is tested in a laboratory to ensure that it meets all quality standards.
iv. Once it has passed all tests, the salajeet is packaged and dispatched to customers.
Benifits of Ibex salajeet
Ibex Salajeet Straight From Himalayan Mountains
Salajeet has been used for centuries by yogis and healers to improve health and vitality. Salajeet is a natural detoxifier, and helps to remove toxins from the body. It supports the immune system, and helps to reduce inflammation. Salajeet also strengthens the nervous system, and is beneficial for anxiety and depression.

Learn usage
Ibex Salajeet Usage & Disclaimers
- Put 250mg or 500mg of Ibex Salajeet in a moderately warm milk and use it before going to bed. You can use the marked stick inside the box to take 250mg or 500mg.
- Stay indoors and don’t let yourself be cold after you’ve taken Salajeet.
- Salajeet should not be taken more than 500 mg in 24 hours.
- Anyone over fifty can regularly use this for two to three months, while younger people should not use more than two times a week.
- Salajeet shouldn’t be used by pregnant women unless they have been instructed to do so by their doctor.
- Patients with high blood pressure should avoid using it at all.
Note: Please do as instructed above and follow the instructions of your doctor.
Best Quality but I had ordered two and you have sent only one in price of two
It was my second time ordering.
Very Very Good Quality 💖
I am using Ibex Salajeet from the last 10 days with three quarter warm glass of milk before going to bed but to be honest no desired results has been noticed as yet.
Ibex Salajeet (Shilajit) 100% Pure & Organic Salajeet in Pakistan | Best Salajeet Price in Pakistan | Aftabi Salajeet
Salajeet - Benefits and uses, its extraction and Price in Pakistan
Salajeet (also known as Shilajit) is a blackish-brownish sticky tar-like substance, mostly used as a dietary supplement because of its multidimensional benefits. Salajit in Pakistan (especially in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and other major cities of Pakistan) is generally acquired from the Himalayan Mountains because it (extracted Himalayan Mountains) is considered the most effective one found naturally.
However, in India or other parts of the world, it also comes from Altai and Tibetan mountains.
Researchers are of the opinion that Salajeet develops in the rocks over centuries slowly from the decomposition of plants. Mineral pitch is another name given to Salajit because, as discussed above, it develops from the breakdown of minerals and plant matter in high ranges of mountain-like Himalaya.
In addition to the fact that it is rich in minerals, it also contains fulvic acid – a crucial compound required by the human body. Its benefits and uses are evident from different researches conducted on the subject and these researches will be discussed in detail in this article.
Furthermore, it had also been used in Ayurveda (an ancient healing system that originated in the subcontinent) for hundreds of years. These traditional medical practitioners used to suggest Shilajit for different medical purposes with surety that this supplement is holistic for the healing system of the human body.
In this article, we will be discussing the process of extraction of Salajeet from high altitude mountains, the filtration process, and the dehydration process to make it pure from the impurities.
In addition to it, we will be discussing the Shilajit benefits and uses. Furthermore, we will discuss how Salajit improves heart health, and how it is used to treat iron-deficiency anemia.
Similarly, its other benefits including its vital role in longevity and slower aging process, its impacts when used for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, and its effectiveness to reduce Sugar levels in the body, will also be part of this discussion.
This article will also discuss how one can find reliable content on the internet on the subject “Salajeet uses in Urdu” because it is much more difficult to find reliable and well research on the content in Urdu on this subject. Furthermore, its other major benefits will be discussed in detail.
Do not forget to read the whole article as it contains all the information you need to know about this food supplement and its impacts.
This comprehensive article has been brought on to you by Ibex Salajeet, you are therefore requested to give your precious feedback, suggestions, and reviews about this article and the product.
How Shilajit is extracted, purified, and delivered to clients?
Pure and organic Salajeet is rare and unique in Pakistan because of which the price of pure one if found, in Pakistan is not very much economical. Its scarcity and rareness is because of the fact that the process of extracting, purifying, dehydrating and delivering it to the clients is not only problematic but also time-consuming. In order to explain it on must know that it has to go through four important stages to reach its ready-to-consume form and to reach your doorstep:
- First, finding it in the high and dangerous mountains.
- Second, filtration from impurities
- Third, dehydration
- Fourth, packaging and dispatching.
These four steps will be discussed in detail in the coming paras; however, it will be worth mentioning that the Ibex Salajeet team never compromises hygiene and quality while extracting the organic Salajit and during the purification and filtering stages.
The care and focus on minuteness of detail during all the stages are the secret of success of Ibex brand in Pakistan.
A) Extraction of Salajeet in Pakistan
The first and the foremost step is tracing the original Shilajit in the high mountains of Himalayan range. It becomes more difficult because of the fact that organic Salajeet is found sixteen thousands feet above the sea level.
The mountaineers who have visited the Himalayan ranges can only comprehend the level of difficulty involved in climbing and reaching on the top.
A professional team is therefore needed to find and trace it after reaching at such altitude. It bears mentioning that Ibex Salajeet team is much professional and capable to handle the difficulty involved in the process of extraction from the high altitude of Himalayan range in Gilgit Baltistan.
B) Filtration of Salajit in Pakistan
After acquiring organic Shilajit from the high mountains of Himalayan range it needs filtration or purification because the raw Salajit found in the mountains contains impurities including fungus, heavy metals and free radicals. It goes through an effective filtration technique that removes fungus and other impurities efficiently.
It is important to know that water is used amply during the filtration process. The availability of fresh glacier water in Gilgit Baltistan makes it easy for Ibex Salajeet purification team to use water abundantly. Owing to the effective purification process this brand has become a much demanded brand in Pakistan.
C) Dehydration process of Salajeet in Pakistan
As discussed above water is abundantly used during the filtration process, Salajeet absorbs much quantity of water at this stage. Consequently, dehydration is needed to make it ready for consumption. Dehydration is generally processed in two ways:
- Dehydration through sunlight: The dehydrated one through sunlight is known as Black gold shilajeet or Aaftabi Salajeet
- Dehydration through artificial heating or fire:The dehydrated one through fire is known as Aatashi Salajit.
Which is better Aaftabi Salajeet vs. Aatashi Salajeet?
The Black gold Salajeet or Aaftabi Salajit, because of natural dehydration process, is better than the other. Shilajit loses about twenty percent of its effectiveness when dehydrated through fire or through any other artificial means.
Basically artificial heating or fire is used to speed up the process of dehydration while the natural process of dehydration through sunlight is time consuming. Hence, the price of i.e. Aaftabi Salajeet in Pakistan is much higher than the other.
D) Packaging, dispatching, and after-sales services of Salajeet in Pakistan
After the extraction, filtration and dehydration, it is carefully packed and made ready for dispatch. Ibex Salajeet team packs it in a beautiful and nice packaging which is not only attractive but also ensure its protection from damage during shipping. Buyers place orders through the official website (www.ibexsalajeet.com) or through the official business Whatsapp Number +92 317 1740406. After receiving the order Ibex Salajeet team dispatches the order as soon as possible to ensure fast delivery. Moreover, our team tries its best to provide after sale services to the clients liking helping to understand the precaution and methods of consumption.
Uses of Salajeet/Shilajit benefits:
Researches in the modern era and experiences of the traditional medical practitioners of the subcontinent have proved that it has many benefits. Though it needs much time to write and study all the benefits in details but for the purpose of conciseness the benefits of this naturally occurring dietary supplement is summarized as below:
1. Salajeet Improves Heart Health
It has been observed during a recent research that Salajeet as a dietary supplement protects the heart and improve heart health. In order to verify this claim, experts have tested its impacts on lab rats and have found that when the rats were given Salajit before heart injury (as isoproterenol was injected in them to prompt heart injury) the rats which were given Shilajit were less harmed than the others.
Research have proved that the antioxidant found in it helps in curing heart diseases. The higher concentration of fats in the body results in deposit of more fats in the blood vessels which consequently causes blockage of blood vessels. Such a condition causes heart stroke which are very dangerous for the life of the patient. It is therefore very important to lower blood fats in the body.
Salajeet lowers blood fats in the body due to the existence of Humic acid in it. Owing to the heart curing properties, Ayurvedic practitioners, for hundreds of years, have recommended it for heart health. However, it is important to mention here that people having active heart diseases should not take it in any form.
2. Salajeet is used to Treat Iron deficiency anemia:
The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include irregular heartbeat, cold hands and feet, fatigue, headache, and weakness. It is a severe human disease which is caused by blood loss, low iron diet or due to lack of capability to absorb iron. People who are suffering from it must increase iron level in the body. In this regard, it has been proved that Salajit when used as a dietary supplement can gradually increase iron level in human body.
In order to test the above hypothesis, researchers collected the blood sample of rat which were given Salajeet during the research. At the end of the trial it has been observed that the blood sample taken from these rats contained more red blood cells, hematocrit, and hemoglobin which are important constituents of blood which need iron for their synthesis and production.
Hence this dietary supplement has the ability to treat it as anemia is defined as less number of RBCs (Red Blood Cells) and during normal blood test it is reported as low number of hematocrit and hemoglobin. It also bears mentioning that human bone marrow makes hemoglobin for which it needs iron.
3. Shilajit Contribute to longevity, a slower aging process, and overall better health.
According to the researchers, Fulvic acid being strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant provide protection against cellular damage and free radicals. As Salajeet is rich in Fulvic acid, its consumption results in the same benefits. It is therefore, proposed to use Salajit regularly for slower aging process and increase in longevity.
Traditionally, it has remained a main component of conventional medicine in the subcontinent. The conventional practitioner would attribute the benefits of increase in longevity and slower aging process to it. The Sherpas used to consume it in normal routine, consequently they possessed strong body and they used to enjoy better health as compared to others.
4. Salajit Overcome high altitude Problems/Sickness
High altitude places have cold temperatures, high wind velocity and low atmospheric pressure. Such attributes of high altitude places may trigger altitude sickness or high altitude problems. It is pertinent to mention here that Body pain, lung congestion, low oxygen in brain and fatigue are the noticeable symptoms of high altitude sickness. Researches are of the opinion that Salajeet can help in curing/overcoming such sort of sicknesses.
Along with 84 other minerals Salajit also contains Fulvic acid which functions as antioxidant and inflammatory. Antioxidant characteristic of Fulvic acid improves immunity and memory while the other removes excess fluid from human body. Consequently, fulvic acid owing to above mentioned attributes helps human body to counter the problems and sickness associated with high altitude. Moreover, the traditional practitioners also used to claim that Shilajit helps in overcoming the high altitude problems.
5. Salajeet works as Energy booster and helps to increase time during Physical Activity:
Researches have proved that Salajit helps to improve endurance capacity or exercise time. During a clinical trial, more than 80 participants were given 250mg or 500mg of Salajeet twice daily. At the end of trail, it was found that these participants experienced about thirteen percent increase in exercise time. Basically, metabolic equivalents are used to estimate the consumption of oxygen while exercising.
During the above discussed trail or study, the researchers also measured the metabolic equivalents in the body of the participants. A significant increase in metabolic equivalent value was noted in the volunteer participants owing to its supplementation. The conclusion of this study also includes the fact that it brings significant improvement in energy (works as energy booster) and fitness of the body.
6. Shilajit has anti-cancer attributes:
According to a trusted source, Salajeet helps to counter certain sorts of cancer and it plays role in destruction of cancerous cells in the liver. They have also quoted that Salajit has the potential to stop the cancerous cells from proliferating, hence, it has anti-cancer attributes.
7. Salajeet helps to reduce weight and to counter obesity:
The accumulation of excessive fat in the body brings on health related risk and such condition is referred as obesity or simply overweight. Obesity or overweight causes more and more stress on the bones hence exhausts the muscles. As discussed above in this article, Salajeet works as an Energy booster and helps to increase timing of exercise owing to high level of metabolic equivalents and more ATP ( energy currency) in the body, thus more and more physical activity result in weight loss and reduction of obesity.
8. Salajeet decreases cholesterol level in human blood:
Smoking, eating fatty foods, drinking alcohol, less physical activity etc. causes accumulation of fatty substance (known as cholesterol) in human blood. High Cholesterol level increases the risk of heart problems, chest pain and strokes. In 2003, as study was conducted to comprehend impacts of Salajit on cholesterol levels. When twenty participants were given Shilajit regularly for forty five days, significant decrease in cholesterol levels was noted.
9. Reduce the symptoms of Chronic fatigue syndrome
A long term condition characterized by extreme tiredness or fatigue is termed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Such condition occurs when the body does not produce enough energy required by the body for routine activities. Scientist while researching on it, conducted a trial on laboratory rats to study the impacts of Salajeet on energy production.
Researchers supplemented the laboratory rats with Salajit for twenty days regularly while forcing them to swing fifteen minutes daily in order to induce Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Basically CFS arises due to dysfunction of mitochondria in the cell. The scientist, at the end of this trail, found that Shilajit supplement boosts mitochondrial function which resultantly improves energy level in human body.
10. Prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a condition in which the patient losses his thinking ability due to memory loss and consequently he becomes unable to perform even the simple tasks. This condition can be better understand after understanding the fact that Tau is the protein that play role in internal support and transport system of neuron in order to carry nutrient along with other vital materials.
However, the tau proteins in the patient of Alzheimer’s disease change their shapes and accumulate themselves into structures known as neurofibrillary tangles. Such sort accumulation of tangles disrupts the transportation and are toxic for the brain cells.
Researchers are of the opinion that Salajeet has the ability to protect or slow the progressions of Alzheimer’s disease because of the Fulvic acid present in it. It is because the Fulvic acid present in Salajit resists the accumulation of Tau in the form of neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. Researchers are also of the opinion that more clinical trials and research are required to explore the benefits of consumption of Shilajit for treatment and slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
11. Salajeet Strengthens Joints and bones:
Apart from other vital minerals, Shilajit also contains iron, calcium, amino acid, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, boron, strontium, and zinc. Collectively, all of the above mentioned minerals strengthens joints and bones. It is because of this attribute of Salajit, the traditional medical practitioners in the subcontinent have been suggesting it for years for the treatment of joint pains and bone weaknesses. The feedback and reviews of purchasers of Ibex Salajeet also reveal that along with other benefits, it is an effective supplement for joint and bone problems.
12. Other uses and benefits of Salajit:
In addition to above-mentioned benefits and uses of salajeet, it is used for many other purposes also which are being summarized in the following lines:
- It expedites healing process by repairing ligaments, tendons and muscles. Zinc, magnesium and copper are essential minerals required for wounds and burns healing. Interestingly, Shilajit is rich in these three natural minerals.
- It is used to treat Diabetes.
- It facilitates the process of blood and bone marrow production.
- It also has the ability to counter digestive disorders.
- It helps to regulate the human sleeping pattern owing to the minerals present in it.
- It brings on improvement in the immune system of the human body hence reducing the chances of getting different viral and bacterial diseases.
In short, it is a multi-beneficial dietary supplement; however, owing to the lack of research many other benefits of Salajeet is still to be discovered and tested.
Salajeet uses in Urdu:
It is very difficult to find the uses of Salajit in Urdu on the internet as reliable and well research content on the subject of Shilajit and Salajeet uses in Urdu is not available online. It is because of the fact that most of the research is conducted in universities where the medium of instruction and communication is English in both Pakistan and India. Hence, all the well-researched and reliable articles on the Subject is in English.
Moreover, the experts who write blogs on such topics also used English as a medium of communication because it is the demanded of a large number of English readers. Blogs in Urdu will not have many readers, therefore, the export avoids writing in Urdu. The situation remains unattended because of the fact that there is no systematic mechanism implemented by governments or any other non-governmental Organization for translation of such trustable articles into Urdu. It brings on the difficulty for those people who cannot understand English or they are weak in English.
After comprehending the importance of the issue Ibex Salajeet marketing team has arrange a well-researched, elaborated and detailed article in Urdu on this subject. If you want to read about this dietary supplement and its uses in Urdu, you need to go through the article posted in the Urdu section of the website. For your ease, click here for the article “Salajeet uses in Urdu.”
How to find pure, organic, and original Salajeet in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and other major cities of Pakistan:
It is quite difficult to find pure and organic Salajit in Pakistan because of its rareness and difficulties involved in the extraction and purification process. It is therefore suggested to purchase if from reliable sellers. Ibex Salajeet is the most reliable and trustworthy brand in Pakistan. The official website of Ibex Salajeet offers online purchasing with free delivery through Pakistan. Fortunately, this brand is not very expensive as the company bears less cost because of vertical integration.
How to use Ibex Salajeet?
The recommended dose for an average healthy person is 250mg to 500mg daily for 90 days. It is used after dissolving the recommended dose in moderately warm water, milk or green tea. However, the patient of diabetes is advised not to use sugar while taking it with green tea.
If you purchase Ibex Salajeet from its official website, you need not to worry about the measurement of recommended quantity. Put 250mg or 500mg in moderately warm milk and use it before going to bed. You can use the marked stick inside the package to take 250mg or 500mg.
Ibex Salajeet offers you the following three varieties of packaging having different quantities based on your need.
- Ibex 10g (10,000mg), you can take 40 doses of 250mg each or 20 doses of 500mg each. (Dose means a quantity taken at any one time.)
- Ibex 20g (20,000mg) you can take 80 doses of 250mg each or 40 doses of 500mg each.
- Ibex 30g (30,000mg) you can take 120 doses of 250mg each or 60 doses of 500mg each.
It is considered a safe dietary supplement if consumed moderately as per the recommendations discussed in this article. However, one should be careful that impure and raw Salajit has many adverse effects because of free radicals, heavy metals, allergens and fungus present in it as impurities. Ibex delivers it to you after going through a robust and effective purification process. Therefore you are suggested to either buy Shilajit from the official website of Ibex Salajeet or from your trusted and reliable source. You are recommended to bear in mind following precautionary measures before and while consuming it.
- It should not be taken more than 500mg at a time.
- Pregnant women should never use it without consulting their doctor.
- Patients with high blood pressure should not use it at all.
- Please do not forget to follow instructions written above and the instructions of your doctor.
- The patient who is suffering from thalassemia, hemochromatosis, active heart disease, or sickle cell anemia should also avoid consumption of
Salajeet (also known as Shilajit) is a naturally occurring dietary supplement primarily found in the mountains of the Himalayas. As it contains more than 84 minerals beneficial for the human body, it is used as a safe and effective food supplement. It develops from the breakdown of plant matter and minerals in high ranges of mountains. Salajit undergoes four key steps to be ready for usage. First, finding it in the high and dangerous mountains while the second step is filtration and the third stage is to dehydrate it. After the process of dehydration, it is packed and dispatched for consumption to the customers. For a long, it was used in traditional Indian medicine because of its positive impacts on human health and the body.
Research along with the experience of traditional medical practitioners many benefits and uses of Salajeet have been proved. It helps in the treatment of Iron deficiency anemia and slows down the aging process.
Thirdly, it counters the high altitude problems and sickness and works as an energy boosters. Fourthly, it has anti-cancer attributes. Fifthly, it helps in the reduction of weight and decreases cholesterol level in human blood. Sixthly, it counters Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and slows down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, it has many other benefits and uses including the treatment of diabetes, facilitation of blood and bone marrow production, improvement in immune system and regulation of sleeping patterns,s etc.
Summing it up, Shilajit as a dietary supplement has many benefits; however, owing to the lack of research many other benefits of Salajit are still to be revealed and verified through clinical trials and research. It is important to know that not more than the specified quantity mentioned in this article should be consumed. You are suggested to read the section “how to use Ibex Salajeet” and “precautions” before consumption in order to avoid any sort of abnormal reaction.